The liturgical setting affected other aspects of the wedding, including the bridesmaids' outfits. Modest dress was expected of all those in attendence, so we bridesmaids covered our shoulders with elegant matching wraps. The bridesmaids also wore simple veils of white tulle edged with coordinating green ribbon, in keeping with the custom of women covering their heads in church. The locatino was also selected because of its suitability for celebrating such a service, as well as its significance to the bride. The interior of the church was Gothic in style with a stone altar rail, beautiful stained glass, and many statues of the saints.
Overall, situating the wedding in the context of a Tridentine Mass gave the service a very solemn and reverent atmosphere. It reflected the liturgical tradition of the happy couple and their families, and introduced the rest of us to a beautiful Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church.