Lily, you inspired me. Admittedly, my wedding shoes are not colorful, nor detailed, but I'd had them bookmarked on, and I decided now was the time to buy them, because, well, I didn't want to keep reading patent law cases.

I selected these shoes from because they were everything I had in mind--simple, white, tall, peep-toed--for my wedding shoes. Now, I know it does not sound ideal to be buying shoes from the internet without being able to try them on. But here's the real advantage of shopping on Zappos or any online shoe retailer, which I think outweighs the risk of purchasing something without trying on--they have customer reviews!
The reviews for this shoe--Cora by Calvin Klein--were almost all from women who had bought the same shoes for
their weddings. And the comfort ratings by these ladies were all positive, even though the shoes have 4.5" heels.
Alas, when I went to buy them today, they were out of my size!! Oh no!! In a panic (for God knows what reason, I mean, I've got more than nine months to go here), I Googled the designer and style name, and found a site called
ShopWiki. ShopWiki lists all the online retailers with that product, including
Piperlime, a retailer selling my shoe--in my size!--for $40 less! With tax (shipping was free!), the total came to about $63. What a deal! And what a happy shoe ending!