Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's Wedding Season!

In case you can't tell, Lily and I have been busy this past month--we just got back from two separate weddings, one at a college town in Indiana, and another at a barn Maryland. Bear with us while we figure out exactly how to report our findings, but as a taster, here is my hair style from the wedding I stood up in this weekend:

I thought the braids would be different, and I think it turned out well, don't you?

We'll have our thoughts and reports on these weddings in the coming weeks, detailing all the activities and anything we found different and interesting. In the meantime, congratulations to our newly married friends, and to all couples getting married this summer!

**Hair by**
Salon Fusion
409 N Hickory Rd

South Bend, IN 46615-3562
(574) 288-5166

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